Chubby Choco, Ligo Fish Sauce, Yakult and Del Monte Tidbits

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Chubby Choco, Ligo Fish Sauce, Yakult and Del Monte Tidbits
This is one of the very few choco candy available in philippines, it is completely made with chocolate.
Chubby Choco is much better than expensive chocolate in the market.
These chocolate candy are really worth it to me, very impressive and it could be a nutritious and convenient snack.

Really good value of condiments, very classic fish sauce, I use it for all my foods needs like in pasta, sushi, pancit and stir fries.

According to the description at the back A Del Monte we grow more than just delicious fruits, we grow Nature's Vitaminerals! Del Monte Pineapples are picked and packed on the same day to lack in important nutrients.
It is source of Vitamin C, naturaly contains Phytonutrients and is rich in mangonese.
So add Del Monte Pineapple to your everyday dishes to make  your family enjoy more delicious and nutrious.

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