Biscuits and CupCakes like Quacker, Dowee, Cream-O, Hansel and Fita.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

For elementary school kids, typically they are graduating last April 2020 but it was postponed because of covid19 epidemic.
My cousin are done with the virtual graduation. So they can enjoy a graduation.
 I dont have a graduation gift for my cousin because I dont have enough money but i find this products and it seems that it was perfect for her..
*Dowee Donut Choco
*C2 Apple
*Choyo Choyo Wafer Stick
*Whatta Tops Cookies n Cream
*Quacker Banana Honey
*Quacker Chocolate
*Quacker Instant Oatmeal
*Cream-O Choco Chip
*Cream-O Dark Choco

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